Businessman casually reflecting, changing mindset

The biggest challenge Registered Communication has faced as a company is the mindset shift required for potential clients to internalise what a registered digital communication is and why it is relevant.

Email and SMS are certainly not new technologies. In fact, email remains the go-to form of communication in the Business world. In 2013, Business email accounts total 929 million mailboxes.1 There are nearly 7 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide which equates to about 95.5 percent of the world’s population. And SMSs have a staggering open rate of 98 percent. 2

So why are we still relying on the postman and/or a courier service to deliver certain documents in a digital world? Why are we stuck doing things the same way we always have?

Consider the evolution of direct marketing from traditional channels to “new” digital channels. Colourful flyers in all shapes and sizes that used to arrive in our postbox, now arrive directly into our inbox as an eNewsletter with far more functionality than a direct mail. Storefronts have been replaced with websites and social media is the new word of mouth.

Congratulations to the marketing gurus of the world who got that right about 10 years ago.

Now consider the more legally binding documentation such as contracts, notices or warnings where proof of delivery is required by certain Acts and governing bodies. These documents could enjoy the same benefits of fast, cost-effective distribution across geographical borders and provide almost instant proof of delivery.

But letters are still posted and still get lost in the mail! A prime example being the MTI Appointment Papers. (An excellent delay tactic for those in need of one).

So how does this affect you?

These services are required across many industries, which was addressed in 6 Industries That Should Be Revising Their Digital Communication Strategy. The chances are that your industry requires a communication mindset shift.

The bottom line is, communication has evolved in leaps and bounds. It is catch up time for those all important documents that should be delivered digitally.


1 THE RADICATI GROUP, INC Email Statistics Report, 2013-2017
2 SMS Marketing Wallops Email with 98% Open Rate and Only 1% Spam